Which team had you choosed in Pokemon Go?

Thursday 21 July 2016

Some important Tips

                                   NEARBY POKEMONS

 The footprints below each Pokemon let you know their proximity; the closer you get, the fewer footprints there are. Tap the Pokemon you want to encounter, and that will increase the chance you'll run into it. You can also track the Pokemon by watching to see if the number of footprints decreases. If you're feeling particularly adventurous, you can even go hunting and see if the footsteps increase or decrease depending on the direction you walk.

                                    HATCHING EGGS

 From  Pokestops, you'll probably pick up some eggs, from which Pokemon hatch. But first, you need to incubate them, and then walk around. To do that, go to your Pokemon collection, and in the upper-right you'll see an Eggs tab. Tap that, choose an egg, then an incubator. Then you walk around and wait for the hatch.

Here's some advice: Don't waste your time incubating the 2Km eggs unless you really want more low-level Pokemon . The 5Km eggs can net you some decent ones. The 10Km eggs get you more powerful, uncommon ones like Onix,etc.

You can even hatch eggs if you're on a bicycle, bus, or train. The app just registers that you're moving; it won't actually care that you're not walking. So, you can hop on your bike and keep the app open to not only get some exercise, but hatch some sweet bros as well. Another great way to incubate and hatch eggs is to go for a run.


 While capturing wild Pokemon, you can throw a curveball to gain more 100XP. All you have to do is jiggle the ball! Jiggle it good! Basically, you tap the ball, hold it, and spin it around clock- or counterclockwise until it sparkles. Once it's shining up, swipe the ball. If you capture the critter you'll get a curveball 100XP bonus. 

                              FAST XP GAIN BY EVELOVE

The best way to grind XP is to capture multiple low-level Pokemon, pay attention to the number of candy they require to evolve, and wait until you have enough Candy for multiple evolutions at the same time. By capturing the same type of Pokémon over and over you gain more Stardust and Candy. So, don't think ill of all those paras, eeve, etc. They're potentially useful because you can transfer duplicates, which will earn you 1 candy of that Pokemon type. Then, use a Lucky Egg and evolve all of the Pokemon at the same time to gain double the amount of XP. Pidgeys are especially pretty good for this.





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